My heart is broken. x RIP Frankie, 2007-2022 đź’” The best hound ever.
I’ve posted earlier in this series my thoughts and experiences of migrating a Wordpress blog over to Hugo. So far I have not been too favourable although the majority of that is down to the muscle-memory invested in having a browser-based CMS publishing platform and the many conveniences that provides you.
One of the major teething issues I was having was with the literal publishing process of new content. For a brand new site - it’s pretty simple, you create your output and then just SFTP the whole dang lot up to your webhost.
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Update after a few weeks…
It’s worth prefacing this with a short detour as to why I upgraded migrated this blog from Wordpress. I’ve already published some technical and other reasons for it - performance and security mainly - but the subtext to it all was that I wanted to get back in to blogging - and blogging more regularly.
For some reason, I had become convinced - possibly persuaded - that doing this in a static file generator such as Hugo was the way. A fresh start in a new environment without some of the “overhead” of Wordpress would unlock a passion for writing again - and empower me to write regularly.
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In 2021, I spent a lot of time (a) working and (b) training for a half-Ironman.
In 2022, I want to turn some of that focus back towards some creative things. I’ve already dusted off my Flickr account1, I’ve created an “Insta” for more regular photo blogging-y things but to be honest, the main thing I want to have more fun with is video.
I’m not talking TikTok (not yet at least!) but there are many ideas I have for getting more creative with video. I’d like to produce a few short films. I have no idea what that really means. But I’ve had a lot of fun producing the militant cyclist stuff…
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This post has been in draft for some time and to be honest it’s been long enough now that I don’t know exactly what I had planned to write.
SO WHY WRITE IT? I hear you mumble. Well, that’s a good question, but it’s not how my OCD allows me to operate. There was a reason.
So for now, though, until my memory sorts itself out, I’ll just explore the topic a little, and maybe update it again in the future.
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Initial thoughts on Hugo vs Wordpress
The move to Hugo from Wordpress was a long time coming but also a little impulsive. I’d used Wordpress for a long time and had become accustomed to its pros and cons. It’s too soon to talk confidently and about good or bad bits, so here are just some observations.
Also, it’s worth pointing out this quote that sits on the official Hugo forums which neatly encaptures the intended users of Hugo:
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Migrating from Wordpress to Hugo
Important caveat: I am not a Hugo expert. I almost said not yet. But I doubt I ever will be. I am literally winging this. The main Hugo site is really good and far better than this site.
Migrating from Wordpress to Hugo was actually a reasonably straight-forward process. There are plenty of articles out there covering it and I was following this one and this one- which also does a nice job of why you might want to move to Hugo (or a static site) in the first place.
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2022 update… with a fresh new look
OK bear with, this could take a while as I am currently writing this all in markdown. Or at least attempting to. I haven’t published in this way in at least 20 years since University days where it was popular to use LaTeX for typesetting scientific articles. For at least the last 10-15 years I’ve been using Wordpress as the CMS platform for this blog and, as we shall find out, for one reason or another I decided it was time for a change. So this may end up being a mini-series on how and why I moved my blog from Wordpress to Hugo and any experiences or observations along the way.
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If you’re trying to configure Word Automation Services (esp. for use in the PDF Nintex tasks) then you may have used my previous post on the topic as a guide. Not seen it? It’s nice.
We recently upgraded a SharePoint environment but despite following the guide and configuring Word Automation Services and so on, workflows (or anything trying to use WAS) were failing with the error “there is no word services application proxy configured for this site collection”. All a bit odd because it all looked to be setup correctly.
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It’s a Neff (aka Bosch) double oven with a slide-hide-door. Not sure of the exact model, but it looks like this.
About a year ago, it stopped working - on the CircoTherm setting only. All other heating modes were fine, and it would randomly occur sometime after switching it on but usually around 10 minutes. It would stop with some beeping and an error code - E6200 - on the screen.
Usual Googling turned up very little. You would think a fault code would be written down somewhere and exist - but there was nothing specific for this. In fact, all I found was this post on UK White Goods and this on Just Answer.
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