Tiny Workshop Build

Mon, Dec 9, 2024 2-minute read

Following the success of building my home office, I doubled down and using about the only space remaining, built a workshop.

There is some backstory to it all - I used to have a workshop in the garage - the details of which I may cover in a later post.

The shed was far less sophisticated than the office, though - it is bascially a large shed, but it’s been done up to make it feel as un-shedlike as possible.

This fits well within the somewhat onerous planning laws that exist in Guernsey that limit the size / height / location of new buildings. This is as big and as high and as close to my boundaries as possible without requiring planning permission.

The highlights of the build, such as they are, are:

  • A concrete pad
  • A 12’ x 6’ shed, with twin doors in the middle
  • Floor and walls double reinforced with a mixture of 12mm and 18mm ply
  • Walls insulated
  • Complete overkill on the electrics

It took a long time to complete in the end, although this was due mostly to my own schedule, the crappy Guernsey weather and waiting a small eternity for an electrician.

There are a few clever things going on inside to cram as much into it as possible, including a hidden table saw and a handyz dust collection thingo - again, I could cover this in full in another post.


I had planned to do an in-depth series of videos covering the build, but in the end it didn’t happen - again, some story here - so instead I cut together a quick vid covering the more interesting parts.