Recovering files from broken Raspberry Pi - Part 1
I have a Raspberry Pi 3 which serves solely as a MySQL server. It does have an important (production-esque) purpose but despite that… I didn’t have it backed up properly. Oops.
So when it spectacularly died the other day, and, um… production things… stopped productioning… I worried a little. Well after I changed my pants, I worried a lot.
Not so much about the server, or even in fact the data, but the structure of the databases.
Fortunately, after a bit of trial and error, rather than waste days trying to recover the Pi, I was able to rebuild the Raspberry Pi, recover the MySQL data and then restore this to a new Pi. And we’re back in the game.
This post is in two parts:
Part 1 (this one): Rebuild the Raspberry Pi
Part 2: Recover the MySQL data and restore to the new environment.
So this is relatively straight-forward. Fortunately, I’d documented the key parts of this process not too long ago so now was a good time to run through that and verify (and to some extent, update it.) Obviously, in this case, I really only care about the MySQL bits and getting phpmyadmin working.
If you’re doing this, then commands you need to type will look like this
- Set the Pi up on a screen with keyboard, boot it, login using default credentials (user pi, pass: raspberry)
sudo raspi-config
. From here: enable SSH, assign a hostname (if you like) and also change the root passwordsudo reboot
- Login again.
. In the first section (eth0) make a note of your IP address. Something like Note: it’s a good idea to set a static IP address for the next bit, but I couldn’t for the life of me get this working using the ‘new’ Raspbian way using dhcpcd.conf. (I didn’t want to do the old /etc/network/interfaces route, even though I know this works.) So instead I have just configured my router to ensure the Pi gets the same IP address every time, but you may like to set a static IP if you can’t do that. - On your Mac, open up terminal and type
sudo nano /etc/hosts
. Enter your Mac password. At the bottom of the file create a new line with the ip address a space and the hostname you’d like to use for your Pi. (Possibly what you set it to earlier.) mypi
. This is just so we don’t have to reference the Pi by IP every time. - Now time to start installing some stuff. Let’s start with the easy stuff.
- In Terminal,
ssh pi@mypi
and enter your password. Type ‘yes’ when prompted. sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install php
. Update: PHP5 now appears to be obsolete, so this will install PHP7. But the good news is that mysql-client now installs with no issues.sudo apt-get install mysql-server --fix-missing
sudo apt-get install mysql-client
- Apache/PHP/MySQL should now be installed. The first thing to do is sort out a few security issues.
sudo mysql_secure_installation
will open a graphical wizard and step you through basic things, such as setting a root password and so on. Be aware that if you follow its advice and remote non-localhost login for the root user then you will need to add a new user which can login from non-localhost in order to be able to use phpmyadmin (etc.) from non-Pi places. - You can do this with:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* To 'user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
. Note that the % indicates a hostname wildcard which may not be desirable in your situation. This gives your ‘user’ account access to everything, so there’s little difference to leaving it as root, but hey ho - you can always scale back its permissions once you have things working. sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
. This will install phpmyadmin. At the end a graphical wizard should step you through the configuration. You should now be able to get in to phpmyadmin at http://mypi.local/phpmyadmin using the user created above.
This should be all the setup you need to do. Onwards to Part 2 - Recovering the MySQL data!