Couple months late, but nevermind

I was going through some old emails and came across this. It’s pure quality and deserved posting. In memory of Ronnie Barker. RIP. This was originally shown on BBC TV back in the seventies. Ronnie Barker could say all this without a snigger (though god knows how many takes). Irony is that they received not one complaint. The speed of delivery must have been too much for the whining herds. Try getting through it without converting the spoonerisms [and not wetting your pants] as you read …

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Imagelists in VS2005

Amongst the multitude of annoyances that I’m putting up with in Visual Studio 2005, one small thing is they’ve removed the ability to assign an imagelist to the new toolstrip, via the designer. So you can do it; but only in the code (i.e., in the form designer generated code that you’re not supposed to touch).

What made me chuckle though was a discussion about it on the MSDN forums, and why you should use the image property and not the imagelist anymore…

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Poo in the sea

Guernsey is just about to have a debate about sewage treatment (Guernsey currently discharges raw sewage into the water).

SAS (Surfers Against Sewage) are trying to persuade the States to take their responsibility seriously and to implement full sewage treatment in the island.

It’s a bit embarrassing, isn’t it, that Guernsey has been pumping out millions of gallons of sewage each year (about 1.5 billion gallons will be discharged into the water over the next 12 months according to SAS) while Jersey has had full UV treatment for years?

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And so it begins.

The next chapter of my life is here. I’m in Guernsey. So far so good, but then I haven’t started to do any work yet. Nope, so far it’s been beach, and fishing. Absolutely knackered though - I think my body is rejecting the fact that thus far I’ve not been at work this week. It’s wondering why it hasn’t been to bed at 3am. Hopefully it’ll adjust soon enough.

Matt's Gone to Ireland

I’ve been and gone. Whilst out there, I thought I would do a whole splendid topic post about it all, but actually, I can’t be bothered. I’ll post a few notes, but generally speaking, I had a wicked time, covering about 1000 miles in 5 days.

The Trip:

Southampton to Ireland, via the Stenaline Fishguard - Rosslare ferry on a 5 day return supersaver. Thanks to a discount in BiKE magazine, I got a spanking deal, and it cost me £60 return.

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CBR600 FX Cam Chain Tension Lifter (CCTL)

I finally got around to sorting the annoying rattle from the Cam Chain Tension lifter on my ‘99 Honda CBR600 FX. It had been bugging the shit out of me for nearly as long as I’ve had the bike, and whilst doing a bit of hunting around got the problem diagnosed as the CCTL. The Hayne’s manual doesn’t cover this pesky little problem, but fortunately, I found an excellent guide to it over at Boss Turbo. It’s bloody fiddly, but essentially a piece of piss to do, but I just wanted to add a few notes to supplement the guide (I was going to write my own guide, but that’d be pointless).

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This Blog

This is being written from the future… around 2022 to be precise, but trying to capture the history of the site.

This blog has been through various incarnations over the last 25 years or so. It originated in the very early days of Geocities but actually on the XOOM platform. It was a hand-crafted abomination in Microsoft Frontpage.

At some point in the early 2000s it tried to grow up when it got moved on to the b2 cafelog platform, and lived there for a while.

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